
"The Lost City" - Digital Painting

Digital Painting - "Abandoned Port of the Lost City" Description : Digital Painting was done with photoshop. Completely imaginary location. I assumed location, somewhere in North-Western India where ancient civilizations flourished. Some visuals from the movies I saw also influenced in the color theme and tone of the painting. My Dream : Evening sun scatters his rays through the remanence of an ancient port city. Some gate-like structures can be seen beside the river. Port is just beside a paved road, and a series of steps leading to the river can be seen. Click here to see the art in my webgallery

Apocalypse Gold

" Apocalypse Gold " Expectations of two generations, frozen ground and the bright light of hope on the horizon. Could also be the Guru, leading his disciple toward the light of ultimate knowledge, away from the complexities of worldly thoughts.  Digital Painting done in Adobe Photoshop (with Mouse, of course, I don't have a Wacom tablet! :-))

Digital Painting- "Lonth"

Digital Painting - "Lonth" Process: Drew the lines on Whiteboard, with a marker. Took a photograph with my mobile phone, and added color digitally using photoshop. Idea triggered by occasional random thoughts breaking out of mind. Concept: The name of the creature is 'Lonth'. A lonth, with its calf, is about to collect nectar from the rare 'abantis flower'.


Found design on an old shop-door panel. Shot with mobile camera ( Google Nexus 6 ) Termite artists must have been on work for quite some time. Complex images can be identified based on one's creative visualizing capacity.


Ganesh Ganesh Simple line drawing.  Drawn on Whiteboard, with black marker. Representations of Ganesha show wide variations and distinct patterns changing over time.   He may be portrayed standing, dancing, heroically taking action against demons, playing with his family as a boy, sitting down or on an elevated seat, or engaging in a range of contemporary situations.

Spirituality and our perspective

Spirituality is like the ocean. Most people prefer to stand at the shores and watch. Some of us dare to sail or surf over the waves. Only a few have tried to go to the depths. The most beautiful sights are said to be at the bottom of the ocean. (Still, there are places beneath the water where physical human form cannot reach!)

Beginning of a day

Today morning, when I woke up, the glass window beside my bed triggered some strange thoughts. Saved the frame with my mobile. Did some small enhancements. Posting the image directly from mobile...  Felt like a combination of rational,  geometric, dynamic visual message. Felt some frozen souls somewhere, constrained to rectangular columns! Feel free to express the interpretations that come to your mind!